January 2011
Janaury 3, 2011
1:25pm: Sorry I haven’t been the best updater lately. I’ve been leaving my tama’s on pause for a majority of the time. I’ll try to break that habit. I still haven’t even gotten on tamatown with my tamaGo… Maskutchi is still with me on my P1. 11 yrs old and no secret character. Venus left her baby in my care and I neglected him HUGELY in the baby stage, as I thought he was on pause but he wasn’t for pretty much his entire babitchi stage… I named him Filth and he’s a Mizutamatchi right now with no training.Filth is also my 6th generation on my yellow V3! Usagi my V2 ginjirotchi gave birth to a baby boy. I’ll name him Vamp when the time comes. Tamago is still a mattartichi. My angelgotchi should be here today! I’m rather upset that it’s been sitting at the post office 20 minutes from my house for three days. Well, I’ll update later!
1:32pm: Mattaritchi just called for a discipline, I think… I’m so new to the tamago. It had an exclamation point above his head, so I scolded him. I think it raised the training meter. When should I praise him?
1:56pm: I finally visited tamatown and it was confusing! Mattaritchi also isn’t very attractive…
7:13pm: I left for a while earlier, and paused my tamagotchi’s leaving them home. After I got home and unpaused them, I continued on my tamatown adventure, and I actually really like this tamatown version. I enjoy seeing my own tamagotchi in tamatown, unlike the older versions. It makes me want a music star, actually… I bought a guitar for mattaritchi, but he can’t play it so I’m just decorating my room with it. Actually, there’s not much a tamago can really do in tamatown… It’s more for music stars it seems. Well, I’m off to continue in tamatown.
1:57am: OOPS! I went out for a lot longer than I expected tonight. I had put all the other tamas to bed and forgot that my P1 maskutchi doesn’t fall asleep until 11… He’s sleeping next to poop now. Everyone else is okay. I’m hoping my tamago transforms tomorrow, and that my angelgotchi comes in the mail. I made a pink faceplate for my tamago today out of construction paper. I think I’m going to start painting it soon. If I do, I’ll post pics!
January 4, 2010
4:20pm: This morning I woke up at around 11 something to my V3 and TamaGo beeping at me all empty of hearts. I just paused them until a few minutes ago. My Tamago turned into a cute character named Kilalatchi at about 3am last night! What the heck is up with that!? I keep missing hi poop stuff, so he’s never gonna get potty trained… I’m doing rather badly with the tamago so far!
My Angelgotchi came in today! Japanese! It’s pink and I love it!
4:45pm: Angelgotch just laid down for a nap.
5:00pm: Angel is awake!
5:10pm: Angelgotch hasn’t pooped yet…
5:18pm: I now have a maruten on my angelgotch! Cute! I still don’t understand TP very well… My tamagotchi angel also doesn’t have the standard butt with wings icon for bathroom it has a normal duck potty. This is weird.
6:10pm: GR! I just missed another Tamago poop, and I was practically looking right at it when it happened! AGH!
6:28pm: I figured out how the praise and discipline system works on the tamago. It needs praise when it has an exclamation point and does something, like takes a shower or brushes it’s teeth. It needs discipline when it calls and has an exclamation point and does nothing or calls for no reason. Ha! Yay!
10:47pm: All tamas are asleep except Maskutchi P1. He has about 15 more minutes. He’s 12 today, and that’s pretty accurate. He wasn’t paused THAT much to the point where he aged a lot. I’m not sure what the average lifespan for him is, but I really love his sleeping pattern! 11pm-11am. I like having him around! He’s the only tamagotchi I’ll be bringing to class with me tomorrow. I won’t bring any tamagotchi’s to college with me unless they’re adults. Too much to risk. Usage on my V2 leaves her baby tonight. Her son's name is Vamp. :]
Also, it seems my tamago praising/disciplining system I talked about earlier was a bit fallible. He called me and didn't do any animations, so I scolded him and it seems he lost a discipline point and got mad! WTF!